Changing the world doesn’t happen overnight…
In fact, Ryan McFarland, the founder of Strider Bikes, didn’t even set out to change the world. He just wanted to share his passion for bikes and motorcycles with his 2-year-old son, Bode.

The Problem
Ryan was a bit obsessed with that passion…to the point of spending over $2,000 worth of traditional learn-to-ride vehicles (ride-on toys, tricycles, training-wheel bikes, and even a training-wheel-equipped motorcycle). However, as he observed his eager young boy trying to operate these machines, he realized that they were all too large, too heavy, and too complicated. Plus, they didn’t focus on the fundamental skill of balance. The solution was either to wait a couple of years for his son to grow or build him a better machine – so he created the better machine!

The First Strider Bike
Ryan stripped, chopped, sanded, cut, and welded on Bode’s little 12″ bike until he came up with what would become the very first Strider Bike. It was super light, sized perfectly for Bode, and allowed him to put both feet on the ground. Bode took to the simple, lightweight machine immediately. Having such good control of the little bike boosted his confidence and advanced his skills quickly. People started noticing Bode riding his Strider around town. Ryan realized that it wasn’t just Bode who could benefit from his little garage creation; kids around the world could experience the same success, adventure, and freedom.
Strider was established in 2007 in Rapid City, SD, and the world has changed a lot since then. We’ve sold over 3 million bikes to families around the world! We’ve also expanded our presence beyond little ol’ South Dakota and have authorized dealers and distributors in over 75 countries. Crazy right?!

A Community, Not Just a Bike
Our passion doesn’t stop once the box is opened and the child takes their first strides on their new bike. Nope. We decided to go big or go home, so we created exclusive Strider Events. We wanted to build an entire community of Strider riders who could come together for a chance to show off their skills and for families to socialize around Strider and share their stories. Offering both recreational and competitive events, Strider brings children and parents together to meet new people and make new friends. These events are exclusive to Strider riders and provide a family-friendly venue to grow their appetite for riding while creating memories for life.

Passion for Education
We’re a passionate group of people, which is why we think it’s important to educate as many individuals as possible on how to ride a bike. We provide curricula and training materials that give schools, community organizations, and medical facilities the opportunity to provide the experience of life on two wheels. The lessons are an incredible way for Strider-certified instructors to successfully teach balance and skills to riders in an organized setting, in a way that creates a lifelong love of riding.

The Strider Rider Fund
From a garage start-up to being distributed across the globe; we’re incredibly grateful to be inspiring kids through our products, events, and education efforts. To express our sincere gratitude and to help as many people experience an astonishing life on two wheels, we developed the Strider Rider Fund in 2014. We commit 1% of gross revenue (that’s right off the top, do it before knowing whether we need that moola to keep the lights on) to the Strider Rider Fund. This commitment to benevolence helps organizations and public institutions create riders who develop a lifelong love for riding.
The first Strider Bike was created in Ryan’s garage.
July 2010
The first Strider Cup World Championship was held in Sarasota, FL.
November 2012
Strider Super Sport (16″) was released for the special needs community.
The Strider Snow Ski was released.
December 2013
The Strider 12 Pro was released.
May 2014
Founder / CEO, Ryan McFarland, won the Small Business Person of the Year Award.
June 2014
The Strider 16 Sport and Strider 20 Sport were released.
August 2014
Strider Rider Fund was created with a commitment to donate 1% of gross revenue.
February 2015
1,000,000 Strider Bikes sold!
July 2016
The Strider 2-in-1 Rocking Bike was released.
March 2017
Strider partnered with the Strider Education Foundation.
October 2017
The Strider 14x was released.
June 2018
2,000,000 Strider Bikes sold!
October 2018
The Strider ST-R was released.
November 2018
Strider Education Foundation launched All Kids Bike®.