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South Dakota Governor Presents Strider Sports with Distinguished Service Award
Highlights impact of Strider Balance Bikes for individuals with special needs Rapid City, SD (September 13, 2016) — South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard rec…
Introducing the Strider Rocking Base for Babies 12-24 Months
Rapid City, SD (August 17, 2016) — Strider Sports Int’l., Inc., the world’s premier manufacturer and marketer of children’s no-pedal balance bikes, has ident…
Strider Celebrates Millionth Bike Sold With Golden Ticket Winner!
Winner of the Millionth STRIDER® Bike to Attend Strider World Championship Race in Rapid City, SD, August 28-29, 2015 Rapid City, SD (February 26,…
Ryan McFarland, STRIDER Founder, Wins Small Business Person of the Year
SBA Honors Nation’s Top Small Businesses Ryan McFarland, Strider Sports International, Inc. Wins South Dakota Small Business Person of the Year …
University Of South Dakota Shows STRIDER Bike Helps Toddlers Improve Balance And Coordination
University Of South Dakota Shows STRIDER Bike Helps Toddlers Improve Balance And Coordination During Four-Week Study STRIDER Bike Scientifically Proven To In…
STRIDER UK World Cup At British National Cycling Center in Manchester!
[youtube] 300 toddlers, aged just 18 months to 5 years-old, raced no-pedal balance bik…
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