Ryan McFarland, STRIDER Founder, Wins Small Business Person of the Year
SBA Honors Nation’s Top Small Businesses
Ryan McFarland, Strider Sports International, Inc. Wins South
Dakota Small Business Person of the Year
SIOUX FALLS – From architecture to bakeries, to manufacturing and woodworking – these are just a few of the businesses that will be recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration this year in Washington, D.C., May 15-16. Ryan McFarland, Strider Sports International, Inc., Rapid City, will represent South Dakota as this year’s Small Business Person of the Year.
“It’s our privilege to honor these outstanding small businesses,” said Matt Varilek, SBA Region VIII Administrator. “We hope this well-deserved recognition from the Small Business Administration will call attention to their success and inspire more people in South Dakota to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams.”
Winners from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam will gather in Washington during National Small Business Week where one of them will be selected as the 2014 National Small Business Person of the Year. While in Washington the winners will have opportunities to meet with top SBA officials and national business leaders.
“Ryan McFarland and Strider Sports International, Inc. is a phenomenal success story, almost creating an entire industry in the process of building the business. We are very proud to have him represent South Dakota as our 2014 Small Business Person of the Year,” said John L. Brown II, South Dakota Small Business Administration District Director.
Each year since 1963, the President has issued a proclamation calling for the celebration of National Small Business Week. SBA recognizes outstanding small business owners for their personal successes and contributions to our nation.
Please contact Michele Arends, SBA Public Information Officer, to arrange an interview with Strider Sports International, Inc.
For more information about all of the SBA’s programs for small businesses, visit the SBA’s extensive website at www.sba.gov.
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